So I guess with the addition of little C in our lives, I've been upgraded to "Summer Mama." It's been fun getting into a routine with her at home this summer. Given how upside down so many things in our lives are at the moment (...being in between homes tops the list!), I've been amazed how quickly we've settled into a groove. Today I opted to shake up our "middle of the day" play time with a little sensory activity for our girl...Cloud Dough!
When I started researching recipes online, many involved flour vegetable oil...totally a fine combo. But I'm constantly looking for ways to get rid of pantry items I have an accidental excess of (y'all know mom brain + grocery shopping + a good sale = way too much stuff). Then I stumbled across this post and realized I could throw together some "cloud dough" for C that would take care of the abundance of rice and oatmeal cereal she isn't too interested in eating lately (my girl LOVES waffles these days!!). I changed the proportions a bit to get a consistency I was happy with...and it was perfect :) Like the prettiest, softest sand you remember from vacay :)
Here's what you need:
1 cup rice cereal
1 cup oatmeal cereal
1/2 cup melted coconut oil.

Mix all the ingredients together till you get a soft, pillowy sand consistency. I used double sided tape to secure a garbage bag to the floor to make clean up a tad easier....homegirl still tried to pull it up. We added some rings, cups, and spatulas to the fun and had a great little afternoon!! When she decided we were finished, I just dipped her in the tub for a fast rinse off...and she smelled like a little coconut all afternoon :)
P.S. She only tried to eat it once!!
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