Thursday, April 3, 2014

21 Day Fix Dinner: Cedar-infused salmon and strawberry spinach salad

Day three of the 21 day fix is in the books! I really feel that the portion control aspect of the program has taught me so much--I'm eating more frequently, but the right amounts. And I'm not going hungry at all which tells me that my body is getting what it needs. And I just think the little containers are adorable! Haha!!

For workouts, I haven't been very good about sticking with Autumn's DVDs--there is a small group of us that workout together after work, and we've been sampling various Beachbody programs. Tuesday we did T25 (Beta round Core Cardio!) and today we tried Brazil Butt Lift--it was a blast!!! I can't get over that both of these programs are on sale this month!!! Both are AMAZING ways to tone up before summer arrives and brings with it swimsuits, shorts, and tank tops. Comment below if you'd like more info about the challenge pack promotions for the month.

I'm also super pumped to share that in honor of the sale, I'm cohosting a T25 challenge group that is set to begin April 21! Participating in a challenge group was the way I became hooked on Beachbody--the accountability is wonderful. Again, let me know if you'd like to know  more!!

On to the good stuff!! Tonight's meal was cedar-paper wrapped salmon and a yummy salad. Easy, delicious mid week meal that was a snap to throw together. Details below!!

Cedar-infused Salmon and Strawberry Spinach Salad

2 4-6oz pieces of salmon
Cedar paper
1/2 lemon, sliced
1 teaspoon Trader Joe's 21 Seasoning Salute (I use this stuff ALL THE TIME!! So good!)
3-4 cups baby spinach
1 cup strawberries, sliced
1/4 cup pecans, chopped and toasted (pine nuts, walnuts, or almonds would be great here, too!)
1/4 cup feta cheese
Dressing of choice (I just doused with a favorite Cabernet Balsamic Vinegar I scored at Vincent Arroyo Winery on a girls' trip a few years back)

Submerge cedar paper in water, and soak for at least ten minutes. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Sprinkle salmon with the 21SS and top with a few lemon slices. Wrap in cedar paper so that the seam will be on the bottom of the salmon filet (alternatively, you could wrap with kitchen twine--you may want to soak that also). Place salmon bundles in a baking dish and roast for 18-21 minutes (depending on thickness and your preference).

While salmon roasts, arrange spinach on each plate. Divide berries, pecans, and feta between each salad, and dress as desired.

When salmon is cooked through, remove from cedar paper, discard lemons, and enjoy!!

A crisp sauv blanc would be delicious with this 21 Day Fix, of course!!

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