Friday, March 28, 2014

Homemade Baby Food

Littlest has quite the appetite these days. I'll chalk it up to a six month-ish growth spurt. Whatever the reason, she hasn't met a fruit or veggie so far she hasn't liked! We started rice cereal around 4 1/2 months, but threw "solids" into the mix on her 6 month birthday. Nothing says party like a bowl full of pureed sweet potatoes!

What we've tried to date: sweet potatoes, bananas, butternut squash, peas, pears, and avocado.

Method has stayed the same. If the veggie requires steaming, I've pealed and diced as necessary. Thrown about 1/4 cup of the veggie into a small Magic Bullet container with a tablespoon or so of water. Slap on the "steam" lid and let the microwave do it's thing for a few minutes (2-5 min depending on the veggie, but we have a super craptastic microwave.) Drain water, add 1 oz of formula (breastmilk would be appropriate also--love knowing I'm sneaking just a little more into her day), and puree using the Magic Bullet. Allow to cool to room temperature and serve up to the eager babe :) (Hopefully this is obvious, but the banana, pear, and avocado did not require steaming. Just into the Magic Bullet with formula and puree!)

Last weekend, I threw together some larger batches of some of her favorites to have on hand for nights where time is tight. Simply increased the amount steamed to about 2 cups. Once pureed, I dropped large tablespoons into ice cube trays. Let the trays cool to room temp on the counter, and then threw them into the freezer. Once solid, the cubes can be popped out, and stored in freezer bags. When you're ready to serve, just pull out a few cubes (three seems to be good for our girl) and either thaw in the refrigerator or zap a bit in the microwave (I've tried thirty second intervals, and checked on the thawing. Want to avoid them getting too hot/overcooked).

First freezer storage attempt

**Note about avocado--there is mixed information about whether or not this item can be prepared in advance and frozen. Many posts mention excessive browning/discoloration. Our experience has been that just the top layer of the cube browns, just as it would if you put guacamole in the fridge due to oxidation. Once thawed and stirred, the mixture was still a normal, pale green color...and homegirl still inhaled it :)

Clearly...she's a fan.


  1. This is so awesome Allie! So proud of you!

  2. Also, just a tip about the avocado, I hear if you store an avocado with the cut side face down in water it doesn't turn brown. I bet if you put a little water on the top of the avo-cube it wouldn't turn brown either. Such a great little mama!

    1. That's a great tip!! I'll test it out next time I make a batch. Just put some more in the freezer for her tonight! Thanks for the comment, Emily--it means so much!!!
